September 11, 2007

Where are we really?

This blog has been struggling to happen...well I have decided it will now happen. Let me quickly recap the past couple of months since I had decided to switch to this space (and then didn't).
- Ran a Second Life project: Rural school, web design class, cool teacher. What did we learn from this? Well this exploration was like going into uncharted territory. The issues involved with trying to have a program that required weekly updates, high bandwidth and a fairly sophisticated class was hacking through the jungle. Luckily we had a great group helping us. Vital Labs, from Ohio University, worked with our students within second life and through skype. (of course with Second Life now, we could have just used the audio feature...but we were back in the silent picture days:) They were very helpful and as one might expect, we had some students take to it and others who thought it was 'stupid.' My favorite conversation was when I asked the students what they thought of the experience. First student: "It was interesting and all, but what has this got to do with web design class?" Second student: "This is the web of the future. Its like asking what does driving a car have to do with going somewhere. Its how we will do it in the real world."
Most powerful statements: student as stuck in the now as all of the rest of us (the millennials are not all "there" either..check this video out from their there is hope for us digital immigrants), "Its how we will do it in the real world." they see that the virtual world is what the real world will be....VERY interesting.
OK...thoughts for tonight are posted...going to keep these short and sweet so I know I can keep at it.
Keep Exploring,

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