June 12, 2007

Time to explore

Well, it has been over two months since I said on my closed blog that I was moving here....I am finally here. Today starts my posting and exploring on my new blog site. It does seem strange to be returning to blogger. Why did I leave? Well, schools couldn't get to blogger.com. My work started using something called Elgg and since this is open source and on our own server, districts let it through....so in order to reach those who would actually be reading my posts, I moved to elgg. Well, I am now back to blogger as more and more schools are seeing the value of the Read/Write web and are finding ways to open it up. I also see a need to begin to connect out with the larger blogging community.
Today I have two destinations for exploration: Seeing the final project of the Second Life pilot we ran last month and talking to a group of Master's students on Web 2.0
One big comment on both of these visits....the whole idea that 'everyone is doing it' is very incorrect. Many kids know what is out there and have seen some and may be doing some of it...but certainly not all (and this is in a web design class where we might see more concentration of those using new web technologies). Also, the new generation of teachers have also not necessarily seen the power of these technologies. I have the opportunity to talk with a very dedicated and engaged group of master's students. However, after an initial, informal survey I have seen that they don't have much exposure or experience with these technologies.
Is this perhaps the environment in NY state? Are we behind the times....well no. We have the first middle school into Second Life. We have huge numbers of teachers who are using these technologies. It is just that the number who are using and exploring is not this overwhelming number that many are trying to suggest. People are exploring and looking...but full use is still a way out there.
It some ways, this comforts me. It suggests that we as educators are not just jumping into anything new just to do it. It also concerns me, as it means that we as educators are not looking down the road and exploring what might be useful or make sense in regards to the shift in teaching and learning.
Technology is finally hitting home in education. If there is truly a shift in the way information is being created and shared, we will be impacted by this as education has dealt so long with information/knowledge. (I realize those two terms are not the same, but would suggest that they have been linked in the past in education.)
OK...off to explore.